
Katsumi W. Ferguson - Katsumi WF ( Soloist violinist / Jazz violinist / Jazz viola player / pianist / composer / music arranger )

A native of Fukuoka, Japan, Katsumi W. Ferguson grew up in a small town near the sea. She began her violin studies at the age of 2 by her will and influenced by her father who was the student of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. She began piano studies at the age of 4 under her mother.  She studied violin performance with Eisuke Shinozaki, Taeko Miki and Toshiro Yokoyama.

She freelanced extensively with various ensembles throughout Japan. She has worked as substitute at Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic and more. At the same time , she had been performing jazz and pop music at restaurant so she started learning how to improvise influenced by working jazz musicians in her hometown Fukuoka Japan.

Katsumi moved to New York City in 2008 and performed with many different ensembles in the NYC area.

As a classical chamber music player, she has worked at The Bergen Symphony ( principal second violin ), The Dream Unfinished ( activists' orchestra member ) , The Bronx Concert Singers Chamber Orchestra ( concertmaster ) , The Chappaqua Orchestra Chamber Music Concert series ( guest artist ) and National Yiddish Theatre ( Concertmaster ) and more.

As a soloist, she performed at Tenri Cultural Institute, William Paterson University Musical Salon Series, Baruch College and many other places.

From the Fall in 2018 to Winter in 2020, she participated in the weekly sessions at Dr. Barry Harris Jazz Orchestra & chorale organized by Dr. Harris regularly. She performed with Dr. Barry Harris as the viola jazz in the string quartet performers at “Jazz In The Park” Music Festival in Peekskill, NY, Summer of 2019.

From the Fall in 2018 to Winter in 2020, she participated in the weekly sessions at Dr. Barry Harris Jazz Orchestra & chorale organized by Dr. Harris regularly. She performed with Dr. Barry Harris as the viola jazz in the string quartet performers at “Jazz In The Park” Music Festival in Peekskill, NY, Summer of 2019.

Currently, she works for various events. Her main category is playing Jazz ( standard & bebop and more ) , also plays Classical music, Broadway music, Bollywood / Hindi songs, R&B, Soca and requested music from various genres by her versatile.

@ Book Katsumi for your event @

( Last edited : May 5th, 2024 )

Katsumi W. Ferguson



2歳半の頃から両親の手ほどきによりヴァイオリンとピアノに親しむ。5歳の頃よりヴァイオリンを 篠崎永育氏(NHK交響楽団第一コンサートマスター篠崎史紀氏の父)に、九州女子短期大学在学中には三木妙子氏に師事。



2004年 ショパン国際ピアノコンクール最高位受賞者ケヴィン・ケナー氏とヴァイオリントリオにてコンサート共演。

2004年〜2007年 田中陽子作曲の作品「うたわれしもの(ビクターエンターテイメント)」の録音とコンサートイベントにヴァイオリンで参加。この録音に参加したジャズミュージシャン井島正雄、田部俊彦、出口成信や、ヤス岡山、池田みどり、野本秀一等と、数々の音楽祭に参加。Classic &Jazz 双方で幅広く活動。




2014年より The Bronx Concert Singers の室内楽団でコンサートマスターとして4年間出演。同時期に National Yiddish Theatreではコンサートやオフブロードウェイミュージカルショーにてコンサートマスターとして出演。2016年〜ウェストチェスター郡チャパクァオーケストラのゲスト室内楽奏者として出演。


2018年秋〜Jazz Pianist  Barry Harris 氏主宰のジャズオーケストラメンバーとして招待され、ヴァイオリン&ビオラ奏者として毎週参加。

2019年夏、Jazz In The Park Music Festival にて弦楽カルテットメンバーとしてBarry Harris 氏と初共演。

2020年冬より、主にJazz Violinist ・Jazz Viola Player & 各種イベント演奏家としての演奏活動を始める。

2023年より編曲家・作曲家として大手 Hal  Leonard 社のウェブサイト等でもアレンジ譜やオリジナル譜面を配信中。

初めてのBookingの方 (日本語 又はEnglishでご連絡ください)
@ Book Katsumi for your event @